
            Everyone has a name. Some names suggest a positive future and some names mean happiness. My name was given to me by my grandfather. However, I don’t like my name because it sounds like a boy’s name in China.
My name is Chao Han. Most people in China give Chao to baby boys. My grandfather has five sons and two daughters, but all the grandchildren before me were daughters. Before I was born, my grandfather had already chosen the name for me. He hoped that I would be a boy. In ancient China, parents wanted to have boys more than girls, because when they grew up and got married, girls left her family and had to put her husband’s family in first position. She was no longer a member of her own family in formally, but boys are completely opposite. That’s why every family preferred a boy. However, it doesn’t matter now. Chao in Chinese means stronger and better than others. Superman translated into Chinese is Chao.
The first time I went to middle school, I went to the wrong class. Ten minutes later, I changed to another class. When the teacher asked my name, she said “there is one more girl not one more boy.” When most Chinese people hear my name, they think I am a boy. The whole situation made me worry about my name.
            Nowadays, I am not worried about my name anymore. I am already grown up. My name was my grandfather’s wish. He hoped that I could become a better women like superwoman.


  1. When I first time heard your name, I feel it is very special for you and it is cool! The woman who names Chao, she must not be simple, because she is a superwoman.

  2. Hi, I am Liwo, I agree it because I also surprised with your name when I heard it

  3. In my mind ,you are an independent girl who works hard and matches your name.

  4. My name was also given by my grandfather too. I believe you can become a better woman just like your name.

  5. My grandfather also want a boy , so he gave me Jun to name.


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