Project: Japanese-American Relocation

  • Introduction

After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, people spreaded that Japanese-Americans were accomplices. Discriminating Japanese became more seriously because Japan brought America to World War II. In 1942, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order that ordered all Japanese-Americans to depart from the West Coast. Therefore, ten internment camps were built in order to detain 120,000 Japanese-Americans. Some Japanese-Americans began to be released in 1945. All Japanese-Americans were released and the last internment camp was closed in 1946. In 1988, Congress compensated the survivors for violating the Japanese-Americans’ liberties.

  • Images
    • A discriminating Japanese poster in front of a white woman’s house
    One of the Internment Camps
    Young Lawyer and his Family at a Relocation Center in California

    A Japanese-American chef at an Internment Camp in California
    Young Men Play Basketball at an Internment Camp in California

    Japanese-Americans in a Mess Hall of an Internment Camp 

    • Video 

    • Most Important Vocabulary 

    Evacuate (verb)
    Definition: to order people leave a place
    Synonyms: withdraw
    Word family: evacuated (adjective), evacuation (noun), evacuee (noun)
    Original sentence: The U.S. government evacuated Japanese-American from the West Coast in 1942.

    Restitution (noun)
    Definition: paying people money for the loss
    Synonyms: recovery
    Word family: restitute (verb)
    Original sentence: The government provided restitution to survivors.

    Internment (noun)
    Definition: putting people in prison
    Synonyms: custody
    Word family: intern(verb), internee(noun)
    Original sentence: They were arrested in an internment camp.

    Liberty (noun)
    Definition: freedom
    Synonyms: freedom
    Word family: libertarian (adjective), liberally (adverb), libertarian (noun), liberalize(verb)
    Original sentence: People fought for liberty.

    Spread (verb)
    Definition: more and more people know
    Synonyms: extend
    Word family: spreader (noun)
    Original sentence: The fake news was spreaded.

    Rumor (noun)
    Definition: fake information
    Synonyms: hearsay
    Word family: rumormonger (noun)
    Original sentence: The rumor is against me.

    Seek (verb)
    Definition: to find
    Synonyms: explore
    Word family: seeker (noun)
    Original sentence: I need to seek opportunities.

    Uphold (verb)
    Definition: support and maintain something
    Synonyms: agree, encourage, support
    Word family: upholder (noun)
    Original sentence: Team members have to uphold the rules.

    Tragedy (noun)
    Definition: very bad cases
    Synonyms: disaster
    Word family: tragical (adjective), tragic (adjective), tragically (adverb), tragedian (nonu)
    Original sentence: The movie is based on a tragedy.

    Extreme (noun/ adjective)
    Definition: very unusual
    Synonyms: excessive, ultra
    Word family: extremely (adverb), extremeness(noun), extremism (noun), extremist (noun), extremity (noun)
    Original sentence: This is an extreme example.

    • Links
    A video is about Japanese-American daily life in an internment camp

    A short video of a old Japanese-American man recalling his life in an internment camp

    An Article of the event Japanese-American Relocation

    An articles of the event’s consequences
