TPS: Temporary Protected Status

  Group members : Rosa, Andy, Liwo, Liping, Sandra

Immigrants protected by TPS own legal residence and work permit.

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a temporary immigration status offered to qualified migrants who can lawfully stay and work in the United States. The qualified migrants are refugees who suffered the ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions. They must have continuously resided in the United States since specific dates. It allows migrants to stay in the United States for periods of up to eighteen months. Additionally, the U.S. government can renew indefinitely. The countries are eligible for TPS: El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen.

Which Countries Are Eligible for TPS

·      This program was created for humanitarian reasons to protect people from different countries and give them an opportunity of a new life. 
·      However, the Trump administration has ended the program with motivation of racial discrimination for four countries including El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan. 
·      The immigrants will be sent back in their original country. 
·      Most of those immigrants’ American born children may drive to confront the impossible selection of leaving their country or separating from their parents. 

·      Those immigrants who are facing the problems have filed suits to seek to restore TPS. 

Children are facing the problems that are separated from their parents.

Demonstrations took place across the country.

       humanitarian (Noun / Adjective)  
·        a person who works to help people and to make other`s people life better. 
 ②  synonyms: humanists (n) 
 ③  word family: humanitarianism (n), humanize (v), humanization (n) 
   original sentence: 
·        Noun: The humanitarians have provided a lot of assistance to the people who were in the   disaster area.  
·        Adjective: We have provided some humanitarian support to the refugees.   

     motivate (verb)
·        to influence someone's behavior in a particular way;
·        to make someone eager to do something
 synonyms: encourage, urge on
 word family: motivated (adj.), motivative (adj.), motivation (n)
 original sentence:
 Teachers always motivate the students and then teach them.

     xenophobia (noun)
definition: extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their customs, their religions, etc.
 synonyms: Isolationism, bias, discrimination
 word family: xenophobic (adj.)
 original sentence:
We can’t hold the emotion of xenophobia against any immigrants, but we should treat them kindly.    

     advocate (verb / noun)
·        Noun: a person who works for a cause or group to help them to resolve different problems.
·        Verb: to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly.
·        Noun: advocator, apostle, backer, booster
·        Verb: back, champion, endorse, plump (for), support
 word family: advocation (n), advocative (adj.), advocator (n), advocacy (n)
original sentence:
·        Noun: She is a strong advocate of women’s rights.
·        Verb: We advocate unity, not division.

     litigate (verb)
definition:  to carry on a legal contest by judicial process.
 synonyms: take a claim
 word family: litigable (adj.), litigation (n), litigator (n)
 original sentence:
 When he litigated, his ex-wife had fled to America.


Immigrants sue U.S. over end to temporary protected status 

•   What is temporary protected status: Nearly 200,000 Salvadorans may be forced to leave U.S.
