Trump's Travel Ban

Trump's Travel Ban 

Image result for trump's travel ban
Women Protesting Against Muslim Ban 

Trump's Immigration Ban suspended the the visas of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant applicants from mostly Muslim countries. The number is over 135 billion. The author continues to say that most of them are from the five Muslim-majority nations which are led by Iran, and even North Korea and Venezuela are included, the issuance just has a little effect on them. The author explains that waivers of granting exception work are to affect countries whose people need the visa, but it is still hard to be guaranteed and proceeded to seek a visa because only a small part of the waiver applicants had been granted. Based on the large banned population of Iran, the relationship between the U.S and Iran have worsened. Students now go through more extensive background checks and vetting, but they can still be stopped and questioned at the border. Even if the students do not encounter the problems in school, the students from these countries, particularly Iranian students, decide not to study in the U.S because they know they are not allowed to work. The author draws the conclusion that it’s important for some people to take legal remedies such as knowing the information of the process.

  • Immigration Ban: Prevent terrorist from other countries to United States, issued by Donald Trump
  • Issuance: Action of supplying something for official purposes  
  • Remedies: A way of solving problem using decision made in law
  • Waivers: When a person is agrees to give up the right or say people do not have to obey a rule
  • Exception: A person that does not follow a rule (Synonym: Special Case)
  • Applicants: A person who makes a formal application for something
  • Encounter: Face something unexpectedly
  • Extensive: Effecting a large area
  • Worsened: Situation become more worse
  • Vet: Make a careful examination

Image result for trump's travel ban
Americans Protesting against Trumps and welcoming Immigrants

Related image
Countries that are Banned

  1.   This article talks deeply about who is affected and which countries are included, and also the     amount of people affected. 
         This articel gives examples of different people People who are fcing the consequences of                     Trump's Travel Ban. 
         This article talks about the effects that Travel ban has in seven countries


     1.                legal-history-of-trumps-travel-ban/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9d81bb56fe0d
          This video shows Trump talking about people coming to United States and The Wall
     2.               ban/2018/06/26/b79cb09a-7943-11e8-80be-6d32e182a3bc_story.html?utm_term=.2c279ab79b88
       This video is about Supreme Court supporting Trump's Travel ban

     3. san-bernardino-shooting
         This is Trump's Speech, banning Muslims from entering the Country
